Agassi and more birthWEEK!

Andre Agassi lost his 3rd round match at the U.S. Open this afternoon, thus completing his professional tennis career. In looking at all of the montages that have been on TV showcasing his career, it amazes me how much he has changed his focus from the "Image is Everything" guy to all of his philanthropic works. Lindsey Davenport said Agassi made the sport cool and Andy Roddick said that we have not seen the best that he [Agassi] has to offer yet. He was in obvious pain during his match today and decided that he was going to finish no matter what. Classy and dignified - the way we should all end chapters in our lives. Way to go, Andre.

In other news, I finished Heat - the book recommended by my friend Sally that I mentioned in an earlier post. Pretty good, although the ending kind of left me somewhat lukewarm about the book. Get the book but the best parts of it are in the first 75% of it in my humble opinion.

Marc and I also continued the birthWEEK celebrations by him cooking an excellent
rib-eye recipe from Mario Batali's Babbo Cookbook. We matched it up with steamed broccoli (had to get some kind of green in there) and a bottle of syrah from Cayuse Vineyards from Walla Walla, WA - yes, Walla Walla actually exists and is not a made up name. :-) Fantastic. Then Marc topped it off with making a decadent chocolate cake and accesorizing with my favorite ice cream - mint chip. Not low cal, but hey - it's the birthWEEK.