Here I am a few hours into the flight from LAX that left on Christmas Eve and it is already the day after Christmas or pretty close anyway. I should be sleeping like everyone else (+Jill) but I just don't sleep well on planes - if at all. First class is practically empty so they "made our beds" in another seat while we ate dinner. I didn't take them up on moving over though since I knew I'd probably be writing in this journal rather than sleeping. 1 1/2 Unisom pills in and wide awake. I can't wait to walk around Sydney Harbour and start taking photos. I may have slept a couple of hours by the end of the flight. Multiple flight attendants told me I'd be more comfortable in the more padded "bed" seat but I doubt that the result would be any different. Plus all my reading, my journal, and tablet would have to move over anyway. As an aside, all the food was remarkably good although the Penfolds Grandfather tawny port stood out.