16 Jan: Boolara, VIC --> Melbourne, VIC.

And then you just have wallabies
jumping in front of you to cross the path -
TOTALLY normal, right?
We had a leisurely start to the day which included +Marc ending up at the same coffee shop as the day before and seeing one of the ladies we met yesterday. Funny. The plan was to head to Philip Island and hopefully see some koalas in their natural habitat, and then head to Melbourne for the "hard core" part of the trip. More on that in a moment.

We got to Philip Island and headed over to the Koala Conservation Centre. It's a place where they have a bunch of native animals just roaming around (no, not like Jurassic Park - ha!). We saw a couple of wallabies jump in front of us while we were walking around, which was fun. But we had trouble spotting the koalas in the trees. Oh noes! We have to get some pictures for +Jarrett!

Probably saw about 11 of these furry dudes today
Koalas blend in really well AND they sleep for 20 hours a day. The middle of the day is not a great time to see them, but whatever. Finally Marc spotted one and then spotted a bunch. Probably found about 11 in all.... all sleeping, but they are cute dudes with big claws for climbing those trees. It was great being able to see them though. Later in the trip, we will be going to a koala sanctuary outside of Brisbane. Jarrett will be happy with the photos. He might regret telling us about his love of koalas.
Should we bring this dude
back for Jarrett?

After the koalas and some lunch, we headed to Melbourne for the start of the aforementioned "hard core" part of the trip. We were staying with our great friends, Shelly and Chris, and let's say many of our fun times involved really excellent food and wine. So we needed to be ready to partake given the restaurant line-up in store. We arrived in Melbourne and Shelly was waiting for us.

Chris joined us for dinner at a tapas place called Movida Aqui. Food was great and fresh, and we decided to have some libations later on. And the 7:30am workouts the next morning? Well, not sure the extra wine at home post-dinner is going to help with that.... hmmm.