At 10am as we were approaching the park it was 40C which is uncomfortably above 100F. It turns out that the walk is 1.2 km which we could do in the heat. A very strange and wonderous place that was worth checking out. After a visit in the
museum and shop (to cool down), we drove the 4-5 km road for a different perspective.
Then it was off to lunch in Cervantes - a town 15km north that has "The Lobster Shack". +Jill got a HUGE crustacean while I drove elsewhere in town to get a NON-seafood lunch to bring back and consume. The Lobster Shack is all seafood all of the time. As we both ate, we filled out post cards before the long journey back to Perth.
Once we got back, a much needed water fight took place around the house between Andrew, Marc and Dylan. Crazy times ensued, and fortunately everyone cooled off while the fun was taking place.